The Spring Equinox is upon us this weekend and I always feel a sense of hope and anticipation and look forward to new growth, birth and transformation. I love to study the seasons with my son, taking note of the changes in the world around us and celebrating them. Though the astronomical first day of spring is this week, we'll likely not see many major changes in the world around us until perhaps even mid-April where we live.
My son was born in the 3rd week of April, and I was in the hospital birthing him and recovering from that birth for over a week. When I went in to have him, the weather was bleak and cold, the ground still muddy and seemingly lifeless. When I emerged a week later with my little bundle to go home, there were daffodils everywhere and a giant magnolia tree outside the hospital was in full bloom. What a difference that week made! Ever since, I've noticed that the 3rd week in April seems to be the week that, where we live, spring does its thing and springs!
As for celebrating the season - birthdays aside - there is so much to be grateful for! Longer days and mild temperatures give us more time outside and the ability to go exploring. Watching plants and animals as they grow and the world transforms and getting our hands dirty in the yard and garden are just a couple of the pursuits I mention in my Welcoming and Celebrating Spring post. Check it out for some great ideas!
Of course, we also love to celebrate with books! Below is a list of our favorite books about nature in spring, from picture books to chapter book read-alouds, that we can read over and over again and are beautiful additions to any library.